IT & eCommerce

Information technology touches every façade of business and commerce. Our firm’s work has included drafting terms of use and privacy policy for clients’ websites to devising the foundation for establishing an online virtual business; developing clients’ ecommerce business; addressing legal and practical issues relating to the development of apps; drafting and revising agreements for licensing content from third parties and to third parties; preparing data distribution policies and protocols; drafting agreements with service providers; preparing terms of use with end-user consumers; and privacy policies that comply with complex state privacy laws and federal laws. For a client with operations in California, our firm provided that client with a complete set of policies, procedure manuals, and forms necessary for compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act.

  • Establishing Virtual Business
  • Agreements with Service Providers & End-Users
  • Terms of Use & Privacy Policies
  • Internal Policies for dealing with Privacy Policies