Terms of Use and Disclaimers

Dated: 10/01/2024

  • The Florence Rostami Law LLC (“FRL”) website is for informational purposes only.

  • No person who reads or receives content from this site, client or otherwise, should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in the site without seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from an attorney. FRL expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken by any person who has read or reviewed this website based on any or all the contents of this website.

  • The content of this website contains general information and should not be construed as or relied upon as providing legal advice on any subject matter. The website may not reflect current legal developments, statutes, regulations, or decisions, and may be edited, changed, improved, or updated without notice. FRL makes no warranties, representations or claims with respect to any of the information on this website. FRL is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of this website or for damages that any person or entity may suffer arising from the use of information contained on this website.

  • Unsolicited email messages for services or products should not be sent to any email address contained on the FRL website, since they will not be reviewed or responded to.

  • Attorney-Client Relationship: This website is not an offer or agreement to represent the person reading its content, nor does the website and/or use of the material contained on the site create an attorney-client relationship between FRL and the person reading the website or materials contained therein. The transmission to FRL of an email, or a comment, does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between FRL and a sender of such communication unless and until FRL has expressly assented to the creation of such a relationship. Do not convey unsolicited confidential information to FRL, through a link on this website or otherwise, prior to speaking with one of its attorneys and obtaining its authorization to send that information.

  • Prior Results: Contained on the website are descriptions of matters in which FRL and/or its attorneys have provided representation. Results obtained as described on the website do not constitute a prediction or guarantee of a similar outcome in other cases.

  • Confidentiality of Transmitted Materials: Any information communicated to FRL through the website or a blog site maintained and/or utilized by FRL is not secure and is therefore done on a non-confidential basis.

  • Attorney Advertising/Communications: This website contains “attorney advertising” as defined in the New York Rules of Professional Conduct and “attorney communication” as defined in the California and Texas Rules of Professional Conduct.

  • Statement in Compliance with Texas Rules of Professional Conduct: Unless otherwise indicated in an attorney’s biography, the attorneys or of-counsel members of the firm are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

  • Statement in Compliance with California Rules of Professional Conduct: If FRL provides services relating to immigration or naturalization to an individual or entity located in California, all such services shall be provided by an active member of the California Bar or by a person under the supervision of an active member of the California Bar.

  • Changes to our Terms of Use and Disclaimers: We may update this Terms of Use and Disclaimers from time to time. The effective date of the current Terms of Use and Disclaimers is set at the top of this document. Any changes to this Terms of Use and Disclaimers will be effective when we posted it.

  • By accessing our website and/or voluntarily providing information to us, you accept these terms and our Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice. If you do not agree with these terms, our Privacy Notice and/or our Cookie Notice, please discontinue your access or use of our website immediately.